Meet the Author

Rayna Jo Zest - she’s a storyteller, mother of four, and dreamer at heart. Born and raised in the wide, open spaces of North Dakota, she comes from a family that cherishes creativity and entrepreneurship. That crown? It’s her wink to the creativity, courage, and joy she believes every story should hold.

“I've dedicated this time in my life to crafting stories that ignite curiosity, foster understanding, and inspire big dreams. Through the colorful pages of my books, I aim to open young minds to the wonders of the world and the beauty of being unique, while also addressing important themes.”

Rayna’s storytelling draws from a unique blend of graphic design and marketing expertise, enriched by the genuine moments of life and motherhood.

About Zestful Productions

Welcome to Zestful Productions, where your creativity meets passion! This vibrant hub is your go-to for all things creative, offering services like social media content creation, photography, video production, graphic design, and small business marketing. Whether you're looking to elevate your brand or bring unique projects to life, Rayna provides personalized services available for purchase and consultation.

Let’s collaborate to make your vision a reality. Zestful Productions is here to inspire, connect, and transform your ideas every step of the way.

Let’s Connect.

Every great project starts with a spark of inspiration. Whether you're looking to launch a business, turn a passion into something more, or share a creative idea with the world, Zestful Productions is here to help you bring your vision to life. How you tell your story matters, and together, we can make sure it shines.